Retrofitting of Switchgear

  • A typical retrofit involves the replacement of old circuit breakers and switches by modern circuit breakers. A Retrofit of circuit Breakers with protection equipment can result in an operational lifetime of 15 - 20 years, dependent on the switchgear panel’s condition and offers minimal disruption.
  • We have expertised team in offerring new edge solution for retrofitting of Switchgears, in the early years there are major retrofittings of old conventional switchgear converted into new trend of switchgears, incorporation of Advance Microprocesser based protections, Double Insulation and Compact circuit breakers. Our dedicated team is trained to make the retrofitting kit for new trend of switchgears. The Retrofitting kits are very much useful and ease to install, in order to minimize the downtime of Outage.
  • Often, a phased retrofit approach can avoid major system network disruption whilst delivering several key benefits:

  • significantly reduced maintenance requirements,
  • enhanced safety and environmental performance, through elimination of oil and SF6 technologies
  • potential performance and protection upgrades, as often the original switchgear panels have enhanced capabilities that can be exploited if the circuit breakers are replaced.
  • Retrofit works well where the condition of the existing switchgear panels is good and they can be condition-assessed to give a remaining life consistent with substation and network requirements: particularly attractive where the change from oil to vacuum greatly reduces maintenance requirements and increases the in-service time.