- Pre- engineered buildings are on avg. 30% lighter through the optimum use of steel. Primary framing members are tapered (varying depth) built-up plate sections with larger depths in the area of highest stress.
- Secondary members are light gauge (light weight) roll formed (low labour cost) 'Z' or 'C' shaped members.
- Primary steel members are selected from standard hot rolled 'I' sections, which are, in many segments of the members, heavier than what is actually required by design. Members have constant cross-sections regardless of varying magnitude of the local stresses along the member length.
- Secondary members are selected from standard hot rolled 'I' & 'C' sections, which are heavier.
- Quick and efficient, since PEB's are mainly formed of built up sections and connections, design time is significantly reduced. Basic designs are used over and over again.
- Specialized computer analysis and design programs optimize material required. Drafting is also computerized using standard details that minimize project custom details.
- PEB engineers design & detail Pre-Engineered Building almost every day through out the year resulting in faster & more efficient designs.
- Consultants in-house design and drafting time is considerably reduced, allowing more time for co-ordination and review, and increased margins on design fees.
- Each conventional steel structure is designed from scratch by the consultant, with fewer design aids available to the engineer.
- Substantial engineering & detailing is required on every project. Generalized computer analysis is require extensive input/output & design alterations.
- Each project is a separate case, engineers need more time to develop the design & details of the unique structure.
- More complicated design requiring extensive design and drafting time from consultants.
- Simple design, easy to construct.
- Extensive, heavy foundations required.
- Both costs & time of erection are accurately known, based upon extensive experience with similar buildings. PEB's are often erected by specialized PEB builders with extensive experience in the erection or similar buildings, offering very competetive rates. PEB builders usually have a stock of standard components in their camps, enabling them to complete jobs on time should any shortage or on site damage occurs to materials.
- The erection process is easy, fast, step by step and with minimum equipment requirement.
- Typically, they are 20% more expensive than PEB. In most of the cases, the erection costs and time are not estimated accurately.
- Erection is slow and extensive since field labour is required. Heavy equipment is often needed.
- The low-weight flexible frames offer higher resistance to seismic forces.
- Rigid heavy structures do not perform well in seismic zones.
- Price per square meter may be as much as 30% lower than conventional building.
- High price per square meter.
- Outstanding architectural design can be achieved at low cost using standard architectural features and interface details.
- Special architectural design and features must be developed for each project, which often require research and thus resulting in much higher costs.
- Building is supplied complete with cladding and all accessories including erection (if desired) from one single source.
- Many sources of supply, project management time is requireed to coordinate suppliers and sub-contractors.
- Single source of supply results in total responsibility by one supplier, including design liability. PEB manufacturers can be relied upon to service their buildings long after they are supplied to protect their reputation.
- Multiple responsibilities can result in questions of who is responsible when components do not fit properly, insufficient material is supplied, or materials fail to perform, particularly at the supplier/contractor interface. The consultant carries total design liability.
- All components are designed specifically to act together as a system, for maximum efficiency, precise fit, and peak performance in the field.
- Experience with similar buildings, in actual field conditions, has resulted in design improvements overtime, which allow dependable prediction of performance.
- Components are custom designed for a specific application on a specific job. Design and detailing errors possible when assembling the diverse components into unique buildings.
- Each building design is unique, so prediction of how components will perform together is uncertain. Materials which have performed well in some climates may not do so in other environments.